The world we reside in today is full of chaos and undeciphered perceptions. Everyone is in a race with utmost rage to win all that is possible. Unfortunately, in all this materialism, we have left our earth far behind. People have lost their connection with the peace that nature keeps showering on us and in consequence people are now vulnerable to eco-anxiety. It is the fear that possesses the dread on our hearts that we might lose our planet to the hands of our man-made threats. Most of us are keen readers of environmental news, but now we might fear whether our mind would be able to process it all or not. The flashing headlines, telling about how wildfires are consuming Alaska, the rampant flooding, the increasing temperature of our planet, and whatnot. This fear keeps us from concentrating on any of our daily tasks and ultimately our focus gets unbalanced. The creative side of our soul incandescently starts losing its glory. Who can even imagine living on a planet which might meet its apocalypse soon? This agitation has in us the idea that humans are the predators of their end. Human selfishness has now easily navigated itself to cross all the boundaries of left out empathy towards this planet, and they are just incessantly cutting trees to build, build and only build. We would want to question ' Will the commented buildings be able to provide our future generation with enough oxygen ?'.
In no state of mind, we intend to see our future people living a life of misery. However, focusing just on the problem never creates a solution and for that, we need to ponder horizonless. So, as we try to figure out the ways to cope with anxiety and concluded that what's better than nature itself. Linking our soul in the symphonies of nature, admiring the green life around ourselves, feeling the delicacy of the soil underneath our bare feet, embracing our entire existence in the presence of nature and automatically our entire self will get energized and peaceful both at the same time. And now, here we are with our perfect solution which marks four principal points, acknowledgement, surrender, motivation, and action. Acknowledge the fact that yes our planet is deteriorating to an extent where we might lose it and then surrender to this fact and delicately embrace it in your heavy heart which might not be ready to accept it. Now that you're aware and awakened, motivate yourself and stand up for your concern. Spread the message and talk about it with your close ones. Let the heaviness of your heart pour out purposefully. Start taking baby steps, for instance, planting a tree, avoiding plastic as much as you can, walking or cycling instead of driving, joining environmental communities or groups and your motivation will rise to a level where you'll be ready to make a remarkable change. Frame a plan, no matter how small it is. A plan that ignites the passion to save this planet by bringing us all together.
The biggest asset that God has kept in our surveillance is the earth. We are the caretakers in abidance of God, who are meant to cherish and save it at the same time. Climate anxiety is yet not addressed as a medical condition, but it's touching its bars. Especially in developing countries, the risk is found evident and prominent. In a survey held among 10,000 people, it was found that 60% of them felt 'very worried' or ' extremely worried ' about the climate crisis, which depicts how eco-anxiety is taking charge of our fear. Youngsters and elderly people are most vulnerable to this chronic fear which causes depression and panic among them. It's not high time now as it has already crossed the boundaries of higher and is about to reach the highest. We are in a situation of now or never. If we start doing it now then we might save this planet and if not now then congratulation's doomsday celebration is coming soon.
Citation: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02582-8