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ECO-FEMINISM : An accelerating bloom

National Service Scheme

Ecofeminism has been a burning issue for the last few decades, be it in the "TED Talks" arena or UN Conference, people are looking forward to having a word regarding "Eco-feminism".

The first question that arises is - What is Eco-feminism?

It is an intensive relationship between nature and women. Official data heralds that the participation rate of women in rural areas is just 41.8% and that is the exact reason that makes women indulge in the ecosystem. Eco-feminism was first used in 1974 and was hailed as the 3rd wave of feminism all across the world. Interestingly, it was the same time when the Chipko Movement spread across India.

Patriarchal norms have been the biggest constraint, wanting women to stay confined within the walls. In this light, Eco-feminism imparts diversification in the arena of feminism. It is the most intensive bond which is consistently accelerating. Eventually, it has paved the way for women to be in direct proximity to nature. Nature, which is reliable enough, has become an integral part of their lives.

Eco-feminism is all about the soulful relationship that a female possesses with nature. However, using sarcasm at my disposal, let me tell you how society thinks- ‘Here, let us just spare a few moments of our lives towards the deterioration of both nature and women.’

In the lust for materialistic things, we've thoroughly disregarded the vital role that nature and women play in sustaining society.

If you're a literate person then you must have heard of global warming and ozone depletion. These are solely a result of our disastrous actions.

Those books that you have wielded to increase your standards only ended up making you an educated moron if you used your education as an opportunity to exploit nature. Sure you are labeled as "a person with high standards" but at what cost?

The same is the case with women. The person who retains their wife, their daughter, their sister under constraint is being felicitated with so-called “high standards". How awful and paradoxical!

Women and nature sail in the same boat. A woman pampers her progeny with utmost vigilance and compassion. Commencing right from her womb, to feed a whole adult, her grievances can't be put aside at any cost.

Similarly, nature also leaves no stone unturned in sprinkling the life of its offspring with thorough nourishment. However, nature also confronts numerous miseries so that its beings may blossom under its comfortable shed.

Here, it is apt and appropriate to say,

"Women and nature are the epitome of platonic love who demand nothing in return.

"Don't go on my leaves

Don't go on my clothes

Ain't what he sees

I'm more than those scars you conferred me with...

I'm more than those incurable warts you endorsed me with...

Yes! I'm the breeze waving across your face now and then.

Yes! I'm the panacea of your scratch you reap now and then

Yes! I inhale atrocities & exhale bounties now and then."

These few stanzas above elaborated how nature and women perceive themselves. They just want to serve but unfortunately, nature and women are gripped by the shackles of oppression.

One woman out of every five women has to go through domestic violence and sexual harassment and then environmental degradation is another curse to humankind.

Though nature and women endure everything without even enunciating a single word it doesn't bestow us the privilege to impose our demands endlessly.

Now, it's high time to join hands to curb the exploitation of women and nature alike. Let us retrieve heaven on Earth by adoring and caring for our nature and women who might look fragile but a hard nut to crack when it comes to serving their progeny.



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