Dr. Usha Tummala-Narra describes psychological acculturation as "the dynamic process immigrants experience as they adapt to the new country." Immigration stress is a social issue that has received little attention in the past. It is social issues that root many other social crises like Language barrier, Xenophobia, Finances, Identity crises, Acculturative Stress, and Racism. Immigrants also yearn for family Change of gender roles, cultural dissonance, and downward social mobility in their adopted motherland.
Many Afghan nationals migrated toward India and wished to have a Canadian visa or Indian citizenship. Afghan refugees face an uncertain future in following foreign countries like Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, India, the US, Canada, Indonesia, Belgium, Philippines, USA, Germany, Uganda and Qatar (Al Jazeera). Thousands of Afghan refugees in these countries are calling for their rights to be recognized. Many are unable to work or study, and some have waited close to 10 years for resettlement.
Logistical and Political challenges are some prominent distress faced by generations of immigrants. The Rohingyian refugee crisis and genocide of immigrant Muslims were a live example of political and logistic stress caused by immigration. Similar kinds of results are expected from the Afghani refugees. Both immigrants and hosts face such issues. Migrants always face a lack of acceptance and burden on country resources without any outcome.
Cultural discrimination, racism, and sectarian bully are the dark sides of immigration. Furthermore, stress might get lessened because of some international human rights organizations along with the social media/internet world. The Stress of Immigration Survey (SOIS) proves that different genders feel different pressures because of immigration.
Recently, the Taliban took over Afghanistan, and many Afghans and foreigners migrated toward other countries like Pakistan, Iran, Italy, and the US for peace. Nevertheless, a question arises about the xenophobic stress these expatriates would face like an alien and violence escalation everywhere they migrate. These refugees would face financial and health issues in a foreign place with a milestone to vanquish their identity crises, to make sure they are helpful for the country. Immigrants face mental and behavioural health problems and lack Cultural and ethnic harmony. Immigration stress needs early diagnosis and care. Education, Parenting, safety, and health care facilities would not be the same as in one's motherland. Moreover, the dweller land is not as warm as the motherland.
Afghani refugees faced post-traumatic stress after migration. These kinds of migration, pre-migration, and post-migration need access to medical care, diagnosis, behavioural health interventions with culturally informed approaches. Undiagnosed and untreated stress can result in severe mental and social anxiety, as well as depression.
Due to Taliban and US war and terror, Pakistan has seen a massive illegal exodus of over 1.5 million Afghans from the Torkham, Boldak, and Chaman border areas in recent years (www.aljazeera.com/news). These illegal migrations lead to a dilemma of unlawful trading, businesses, and property. They were, moreover, utilizing the country's resources without registering and paying tax. These immigrants often have to work as low-wage labour. These immigrants are not only a source of stress for the host country, but they are also a financial burden.
Every day thousands of Afghanis are crossing the borders to enter Pakistan illegally after Afghanistan took over, and this number is increasing day by day. Some are trying to find a flight to other European countries, and others are trying to get legalized as refugees in Pakistan. Pakistan is still hosting millions of Afghan refugees (www.aljazeera.com/news) because the new Afghani Taliban government will take some time to develop trust publically.
Many Pashtun ethnic Afghans in Connecticut have been subjected to traumatic experiences like low maternal English competence, connected with PTSD and significant depression. The New Haven refugee resettlement organization, medical professionals, teachers, and Afghan refugee community members voiced worry regarding mental and behavioural health diagnosis and treatment delays(www.aljazeera.com/news).
We always wonder what it would look like to leave our own house, where we have all the facilities like food, water, and clothes. Moreover, I think it is not enough here, and we have to get better. Furthermore, all of a sudden you move to your neighbour's house. Here you face two situations, they need you to fulfil their shortage labour supply, or secondly, they see you as an unnecessary burden. In both cases, you would face a lot of stress and hardship, but the former sounds harsh.
Just a few people in this society have overcome their fears. However, fears are not easy to conquer, but only through hard work and dedication in everyday activities (Sullivan, 2008). Immigrants in a new society will offer a fresh start in life for a person born in a country with a hostile environment, including racism, economic insecurity, abuse, and terror attacks. It will prevent further struggles, Suffering, and pessimism. It will motivate people to make something of themselves. Immigrants' primary goal in coming to a new country is to forget all the hardships they had to face in their country and their insecurities. In our society, it is easy to have negative thoughts of refugees. Thus, their first goal is to overcome the fear of entering a new country. Also, they would only come to the country if they had a promising future ahead of them, like an opportunity to start a better life.
Zaib-Ullah-mujahid stressed that the trained professors like doctors and engineers of afghan stay in Afghanistan and not migrate to other European and Asian countries. He emphasized that Afghan nations and governments need them, either man or woman. They are free to work. All public and private sectors are reviving, and this is when the new Taliban Government needs the nation's trust and support. The US and other Asian countries faced the Afghan citizens and their armies to abduct the government to create an international commotion. There was tremendous pressure on the US government to take their troops back to the US from Afghanistan. Recently Afghani refugees faced many problems. Moreover, US forces were willing to take Afghani nationals without visas and passports (www.aljazeera.com/news).
More than 4 lac, 50 thousand Afghanis entered Turkey illegally, walked 300 km for 17 days, according to the migrant directorate of Turkey. All aspire to be legitimate or find a way to Europe, but they are afraid of being captured by the government and deported back to Afghanistan. They were illegal immigrants and had Spent all their money to reach there and risk their lives. A lot was robbed and left their families behind (www.aljazeera.com/news).
The American government encouraged Afghani who missed the evacuation flights to leave land borders and unpredictable numbers entering via Spin Boldak and Turkham borders. Nevertheless, authorities of neighbouring countries denied these media reports. Moreover, Afghanis will lead to a significant migration crisis for European and other Asian countries. The Canadian government also plans to take two thousand refugees to Canada (www.aljazeera.com/news).
The Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan has sparked fears of a humanitarian crisis, with large numbers of people attempting to flee the country. Some countries have offered safe places to Afghans, while others are intent on fortifying their boundaries. Immigrants from Afghanistan are being supported by the international community. Refugees are facing crises. The International community should help the new Afghan government to build a better and peaceful country.