Nandini graduated from one of the best universities of the country, worked against the clock to secure a job in ABC organisation, but was denied a promotion.
Kelly is a senior executive member at Moiser Ltd. She suggested that Moiser should buy shares of XYZ Ltd., which will lead to profits in the long run, but was questioned and rejected. A few months later, Moiser bought the stocks of the same parent company, when the move was strongly recommended by Mr. Basu, one of the 6 other senior male executives.
The above described situations, though very unfair, seem very normal. Ever wondered why?
Almost 50% of the world's population consists of women, but only 38% of the labour force is represented by them. The fact that is amusing is that these are the improved statistics. Since time immemorial, women have been expected to raise a family and stay at home, while the head of the house, the male, goes off to work. Women had to fight for over 100 years for equal rights, through the Suffrage Movement, whereas men were entitled to every freedom by default. To put it another way, women have always had to work twice as hard as any man to attain anything of equal value!
This is the 21st century! It is the age of driverless cars, self learning machines, a new and modern world, and here we are, still struggling with the prejudiced notions about gender roles. Despite years of progressive efforts, there still exists a great deal of inequality in workplaces globally. Under informal social group settings, the groups often tend to be exclusive. Their fundamental idea underlines that men are strong, dominating and can command a woman. While many people reading this might disagree, a survey conducted by “inhersight” found out that 54% of the females in work places admitted to being neglected, passed over for raises and discriminated against, on the basis of mere appearance and parental status. What can not be turned a blind eye to, are the rising cases of harassment against women, being highlighted in the news. Reading and hearing about heinous incidents of gang rapes, murders and issues of discrimination is infuriating, and disheartening at the same time.Majority of the time, it is for the pleasure of the male or as simple as boredom. For some, it is the primitive mindset of men being superior. It is considered intrinsic to treat women as toys at their service. This toxicity remains intolerable till date.
Here are just a few instances that a lot of women must’ve experienced.
A group of 6 male colleagues from work went to play golf. Naturally, business came into the conversation and opinions started popping. Soon, they all agreed on a mutually satisfying decision. This was all done without the consent of Kelly. Remember her?
In school, 5 boys were sitting together, laughing, having fun. A girl passed by, they laughed again, pointing at her. She could do nothing, but run. The level of insecurity and fright she felt was indescribable.
Most women have spent their entire lives competing with males. The answer to ‘why’ is naturally legitimate, the need to be taken seriously. There is a persistent opinion that women don’t need to prove their worth to anyone, but is this the kind of society people want to live in? Where neglecting women is okay and belittling them is the new trend?
The thought of leading the world is like “Shakespeare's writing in a slum school” for most girls. All they can dream of is to lead a respectful and safe life. All the women who have conquered areas that have been traditionally led by men, and managed to carve a niche for themselves in their respective domains, deserve acknowledgement and appreciation. While the sheer hard work and perseverance of all these women is admired, we cannot deny the support they got. Ms. Kamala Harris, the first female Vice President of the United States, has set an example and serves as a source of inspiration for many around the world. Ms. Melinda Gates has helped thousands of underprivileged people through her resources. Ms. Indira Gandhi has been one of the best Prime Ministers of India. Indian sports women have been doing wonders. As it is said, “There is a woman behind the success of every man”. It can now be gladly said that this can be reversed. Thank you all for making this possible and I’m sure that with so many forward looking minds around, many more are on the path to a bright future for themselves.
She is sensitive, but she cannot be bullied
She is genuine, but she cannot be bought
She is compassionate, but she cannot be fooled
Don’t take her lightly
She is strong, resilient, confident.
She is a GODDESS.
The Bible [Galatians 3:28] says, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus”
Everyone was brought into this world the same. Mankind created differences on an unethical basis and continues to retain them. The patriarchal society has been so deeply rooted in the soil, that it needs to be weeded out completely and immediately. The process of making workplaces more inclusive has to start from within. People in leadership positions in any organisation are equipped to influence their subordinates, and ultimately the entire organisation. The first step in this journey is to eradicate the boy’s club culture and be more inclusive of women. It is important for men to interact with their female colleagues and not be judgemental about them and their lifestyles. Their empathy and open-mindedness will not only allow women to feel more comfortable, but also foster a sense of support and companionship. Flexible working hours and well-defined objectives for everyone can go a long way in combating gender- based biases in workplaces. Human Resources can play a significant role in aiding the efforts and endeavours of women.
It is the need of the hour to come together and make the world a safer and more equal place for women.
References : https://www.inhersight.com/blog/amp/research/boys-club-culture-more-common-you-may-think