TEAM 2018-19

Programme Officer
Nawang Sir is the supporting pillar of NSS and all the stakeholders associated with NSS. His generous contribution to the society and mankind is something that amazes all beings! His experience and guidance in matters pertinent to NSS has immensely helped the team, always. There is no limit of words that can possible describe his zeal and enthusiasm to make a difference in the society.

He’s a gem of a person who is immaculately spirited and sincere towards NSS and its operations. All he thinks of in his spare yet productive time is for the welfare of the society and how NSS should grow. Even though he is the President of NSS, he is amazingly approachable to all his juniors and batchmates!

Vice President
She is the power girl of NSS. She is that person who can manage everything very swiftly and patiently. Her presence of mind and calm attitude makes her the go-to-person for everyone. She considers NSS not some society but a family whose responsibility to be nurtured and grown is hers, in a team.

He is the fun and party person in the senior cabinet. He is the perfect blend of seriousness, hard work and fun. He’s one of the most approachable and helpful seniors in college who strives and thrives on just one motto: help anyone you can. This is the motto that he believes in and with his spectacular convincing skills, makes everyone believe in.

Project Sanskar Head
An avid reader, she loves learning and exploring new things. Her passion for teaching children and unconditional love for them is what sets her apart. Also, simplicity and honesty literally define her personality.

Project Sanskar Head
Benevolent, stalwart, smart, believes not only in working but also learning something valuable with each and every step. Eshaan has a great amount of dedication for Project Sanskar and its kids. He’s a person who will always seek solace in others' smiles.

Project Sanskar Head
Her love for kids coupled with the zeal to bring about a change in the world makes her everybody's favourite. Her enthusiastic approach towards life is commendable. The innocence of a child and the maturity of an adult are the two personality traits that make her anytime approachable for the students.

Project Vishwas Head
She strongly feels about the issues that society faces and her passion for social service is unmatchable. Considerate, dedicated and straight forward, she is a beloved team player. She is a cheerful girl whose simplicity describes her beauty at the best.

Project Vishwas Head
An amiable person with a tender heart makes her a person of perfect blend. She displays undaunted courage to stand up for what she believes in. Being an astute in her dealings, she knows her way towards benefitting the differently-abled the most. One can always rely on her when it comes to what’s best for the differently-abled people community of our society.

Women Empowerment Head
Apart from her fervour of smashing patriarchy, our Women Empowerment head loves economics and articulates her emotions through her paintings and poetry quite immaculately. Moreover, she's always up for philosophical discussions over a cup of tea!

Social Health Head
She has an unbeatable passion for helping and serving people, whatsoever be the circumstance, and to add to that blessed virtue, she is committed to do so with a smile on her face. She is an animal lover and has a caring attitude.

Social Support Head
“In seeking happiness for others, you find it for yourself".
A quote for others but a stimulus for her. Dedication, persistence and optimism is something what describes her the best.

Environment Head
With a grin on her face, extending a long helping hand is always her stand. Full of zeal and zest she gives her cent percent in all she does. A nature lover, calm and caring person, she always endeavours to make our surroundings a better and happier place to live in.

Save Youth Head
She is encouraging, motivating and has an open mind as well as willingness to learn from youth and impart as well. Her ability to think out of the box relates her well to youth. Her always cheery and positive attitude makes her very approachable.

Sponsorship Head
Ambitious yet fun loving, our Sponsorship head is determined enough to close every deal. For her, honesty is truly the best policy. She is one person to whom anyone can go and get the difficulties in one’s life resolved. No matter what, she will always tell you what she feels is right and what should be done.

Sponsorship Head
“You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give."
This drives her and NSS to serve the best to the society!
Being a persuasive leader, creative thinker, optimistic, patient listener she strongly believes that passion and hard work can move mountains.

A person with indefatigable workaholic spirit and just enough determination and grit so as not to be called stubborn, our Editor-in-Chief is a person who strongly holds that first impressions are no impressions at all, let alone be the last one to make. The motto of life that drives her crazily is ‘Do what you like and like what you do’. She loves painting and dexterously creating beautiful things to behold!

Akshay is a person who firmly believes that some changes in the society can be effectively brought by putting together combination of beautiful words. His deep interest in articulating beautiful story out of lifeless words is just wow and amazing!

Marketing Head
Sai Teja with his commitment, dedication and clear vision drafts perfect marketing strategies that markets the events in large scale. He is a determined and resolute person who will give whatever it takes to get things done. His grit and will power are something everyone appreciates.

Marketing Head
Gopi Chand with his firm determination and vision has always established a good platform for juniors to imbibe professional skills in them. A person in desperate need of help never goes dejected after coming to him.

Creative Head
"Creativity is the greatest expression of liberty."
Our creative head believes that art, freedom and creativity can change the society faster than politics. And this is a thought which she has managed to be agreed upon by many.

Creative Head
Our Creative head believes that creativity is a way to get to know other people on a deeper level - much like poetry. He finds his Zen while sketching and making things seem real on paper.
He believes that through the means of creativity we can find common good in the society and use it to showcase critical real-world issues.

Technical Head
He is a multi-talented person with a charismatic personality. His technical skills skilfully blended with his adaptability and leadership skills makes him a valuable asset for the team. He is a person who will always make a sincere effort in whatever he does, without boasting about it.