events 2019-2020

Session on Child Maltreatment
On 24th February 2020, the volunteers of Project Kali of NSS SRCC met the children and families of Shadipur slum and discussed the detrimental impacts of 'Child Maltreatment'. An interactive session was initiated with a general discussion on the awareness of the sensitive topic among the people, after which, the volunteers interacted with the parents and informed them how they are indirectly contributing in child maltreatment due to lack of cognizance of the issue. The volunteers also talked about the ways parents can avoid the same and how they can develop a friendlier relation with their kids.
The visit was successful since the children and their parents took interest and were contributing in the discussion. The visit ended on a good note because of overall assistance from the people of the slum area.
The most regular people who showed the best tracks of improvements over the past few meetings were recognized and rewarded.

Visit to The New Learning Heights School
The volunteers of Social support, NSS visited The New Learning Heights School, Dwarka Sector 12. There they met the autistic children of all age groups. Initially, the kids were hesitant in interacting but later they interacted with the volunteers. They played, sang, danced and had fun with them.
The founder of the school told the volunteers that one of the students studying here is her son. She inspired the volunteers by narrating her own struggle story to fight for his son.
In the end, the kids were happy to spend some time with the volunteers. On the other hand, the volunteers were happy because of the smile that they left on the faces of those children

Awareness about Child Sexual Abuse
On 12th February 2020, the volunteers of Project Kali of NSS, SRCC organized an interactive session with the women and children of Shadipur slum, aimed at creating awareness about child sexual abuse. The visit started with a video presentation, after which, the volunteers engaged themselves in a one-to-one conversation with the ladies and children, in order to clear their doubts. The people expressed their views about this sensitive issue and they were informed of ways by which they can avoid sexual abuse and also the ways to recover from the situation.
The visit was successful since the ladies and children were interested to talk about this issue and were completely engaged in the conversation. The session was conducted with both boys and girls so that boys are well informed and aware and get equipped with the basic knowledge and etiquettes concerned with the issue.

Health Check-up Camp
The team of National Service Scheme, SRCC organised a health check-up camp in college on 30th January in collaboration with Artemis hospitals.
Specialized doctors and nurses came from Artemis hospital with proper equipments of BP, Sugar testing, ENT, etc. More than 100 people including students, teaching and non-teaching staff and Sanskar students came to get themselves checked. The event was a success and was appreciated by everyone.
Many of the non-teaching staff encouraged us to have more such camps regularly in the college.

Swachhta Pakhwada
On account of Swachhta Pakhwada 2020, the volunteers of Project Kali of NSS SRCC organised an interactive session with the residents of Shadipur slum, aimed at creating awareness on sanitation and hygiene.
The session was basically a follow up visit to check on all the changes that have been made in their lifestyle to improve hygeine.
Moreover, to understand the actual situation, the volunteers visited their houses to have a deeper look at the ground reality.
The session not only discussed the various ways to keep proper sanitation in the area but also focussed on the enrollment of children in schools.
The visit was indeed a wholesome experience wherein every volunteer came a little closer to the actual reality and inculcated empathy as the utmost quality.

Interaction on Gender Equality
“Gender equality is critical to the development and peace of every nation”
- Kofi Annan
The volunteers of save youth wing ,NSS SRCC
went on a visit to timarpur slum area to interact with the kids on the topic of good touch bad touch and gender equality.
The volunteers also played various games and conducted fun activities related to the topic with the children and were lucky to become a reason for the smile on the face of the kids.

Visit to Saksham Foundation
The volunteers of Social Health Wing of NSS, SRCC went on a visit to Saksham Foundation, an organisation working towards the upliftment of the underprivileged children and women of the nearby areas.
The volunteers interacted with the kids on various topics related to healthy and hygienic living such as eating habits, prevention of diseases, benefits of regular exercise, environmental cleanliness, time management for exams and so on.
The volunteers also played various games and conducted fun activities with the children and were lucky to become a reason for the smile on the face of the kids.

Breast Cancer Awareness Session
On 15th January, NSS SRCC organised Breast Cancer Awareness Session with Dr. Anita Khokhar, Dept. of Community medicine, V.M.M.C and Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi.
Guiding us through her words, she distinguished between a normal breast and an abnormal breast in an informative way so that the girls have an idea about it and can detect any abnormality as early as possible. She discussed regarding the steps of Breast Self Examination wherein the girls can self-examine and identify any problem.
As a whole, the session was all together enriching and successful in generating awareness amongst us. NSS SRCC is thankful to Dr. Anita for sharing her valuable time with us.

Awareness about Menstrual Hygiene and Health
On 13th January 2020, the volunteers of NSS SRCC organized an interactive session with the women and girls of Shadipur slum, aimed at creating awareness on menstrual hygiene and health.
It started with showing them a video which gave them a glimpse of what they were about to discuss with them. The volunteers had one-to-one talk with the women and girls there during which they came across the problems faced by them during menstrual days such as lack of money to buy sanitary napkins, various health issues, fever during these days, over bleeding, etc. The volunteers suggested them how to take care during menstrual days, maintain hygiene and in case of severe health issues, they advised them to contact the gynaecologist.
The session ended on a positive note with women being thankful to volunteers for creating awareness among them.

SAMARPAN EXPRESS presents its brand new itinerary featuring especially the humanitarian stations deemed to create a bliss for society and for the greater good.
Uniquely for the hearts having an emotion as well as empathy for the society, for the people they share their space with.
With the greatest sort of enthusiasm, SAMARPAN EXPRESS welcomes every one to have a share in their brand new itinerary reaching NSS junction,SRCC platform on 6 and 7 February, 2020.

Visit to Animal Care Centre
“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened“
The volunteers of Social Support of NSS SRCC went on a visit to Sanjay Gandhi Animal Care Centre. There were different species of animals such as dogs, peacocks, ducks, pigeons, monkeys. The volunteers had a wonderful experience and they also donated bread packets for the animals.

Interactive Session with Shadipur Residents:
The volunteers of Project Kali and Social Health of NSS, SRCC organized an interactive session with residents of Shadipur slum, aimed at creating awareness about various health issues, need of hygiene and sanitation and gave a specific focus on cancer.
Apart from discussing about the causes, symptoms and precautions of diseases caused by unhealthy and poor lifestyle, the volunteers gave them suggestions to improve the health status of their family. The status of education of children was asked and further guidance on the importance of schooling and medication was provided.

Visit to Khwaish School:
The volunteers of NSS visited Khwahish School for special children. They interacted with the specially abled students. Games such as ludo, carrom board, catch the ball etc were played. The students were happy to interact with the volunteers. It was a good experience for the volunteers to interact with such kids and learn from them.

Youth Leadership Program:
To foster the leaders of tomorrow, SAVE YOUTH wing of NSS, SRCC organised a session with @PRAVAH- building inside-out youth leadership for social change, wherein, the volunteers interacted and conducted psycho-social games to introspect, learn and unlearn various myths about societal norms.
It was an interactive session which taught the volunteers to work on mind-shift and to have dialogues about social issue to start off with breaking stereotypes

Informative "Nukkad Natak" in Shadipur:
The volunteers of the Project Kali of NSS, SRCC paid a visit to the people of Shadipur to tell them about the consumer rights .
The volunteers interacted with the head of the families at first and then with the rest of the family,mostly ladies and girls. Volunteers also presented a 'nukkad natak' to familiarise everyone with what consumer rights awareness is and what all rights they have as a citizens of the country.
People had many queries regarding their consumer rights and told about the problems that they face on a regular basis. Volunteers tried their best in solving their problems and in providing the people with optimal solutions.

Visit to Delhi Cancer Institute:
The Volunteers of NSS,SRCC visited Delhi State Cancer Institute Dharamshala on 26th October, 2019 in order to celebrate Diwali with the cancer patients.
The Volunteers decorated the place with colourful rangoli and lamps. They entertained the patients through their dance and musical performances.
It helped the cancer patients to forget their worries and pain for a while and enjoy the present. On the same hand, The Volunteers were happy to be the reason for their smile. The celebration ended with a group dance.

Workshop at Blind Relief Association:
The volunteers of National Service Scheme in collaboration with Yourspace lent a helping hand to the Blind Relief Association in conducting their festivities.
The volunteers interacted with the blind students and helped them in carrying out their work. This made them realize the importance of the little things in life.

World Mental Health Day Celebration:
This World Mental Health Day, the volunteers of Save Youth, NSS, Shri Ram College of Commerce tried to help such mentally challenged people find the bliss in their own lives by giving them hugs, handshakes and compassionate discourses.
Appealing to one and all, we want atleast all of those reading this to show compassion and love to all such present.

Eye and Dental Checkup:
'All the money in the world can not buy you back good health.' ~ Reba McEntrie
To make sure you have good eye sight and shiny bright teeth, NSS, SRCC organised an Eye and Dental Check up camp on 4th October in the college. It was a huge success with more than 100 people coming to get their check up done, including students, teachers, Non-teaching staff and NSS Sanskar kids. Everyone was really happy with this service and got their problems diagnosed easily by the doctors.

Plantation Drive:
"Until you dig a hole, you plant a tree, you water it and make it survive, you haven't done a thing. You are just talking."
- Wangari Maathai
In order to address the above saying, the volunteers of NSS, SRCC conducted a plantation drive within the campus premises on 4th October, 2019. Aided by the gardener, they planted saplings and adhered to their call of duty to protect the environment.

Awareness Session in Shadipur Area:
The volunteers of Project Kali of National Service Scheme took the initiative to make the people of Shadipur aware about various government schemes that had been brought up to benefit them specifically.
The volunteers interacted with families there and informed them about various government schemes that can provide benefit to them. The people gave positive responses and volunteers were delighted to hear heartwarming comments. Such people are waiting for a change and we are on the right road to bring it to them.

Visit to OM Foundation School:
The volunteers of Save youth wing of NSS, SRCC visited OM FOUNDATION SCHOOL, On 28th September 2019 to teach students of class 6th to 10th about stress management. The volunteers interacted with the students and played stress management games like laughing therapy and meditation.
Presentation and videos were played to make the session interesting, volunteers and the students sang melodious songs to end the session on a bright note!

Visit to Saksham Foundation:
The volunteers of the Social Support wing of NSS, SRCC went on a visit to Saksham foundation. It's an NGO working for the upliftment of the underprivileged kids and women.
The volunteers interacted with the kids, played Antakshri, learning with fun games such as" Name 5 words with the letter J, name the months in the reverse order, spot the said colour" etc. This way, the volunteers were able to provide basic learning to the children.
The volunteers were happy to be a reason of the smile on the face of the kids and were able to be grateful for the things they have in their lives.
Overall it was a learning with fun session for all.

Session on Menstruation:
The volunteers of the Women Empowerment wing of National Service Scheme, SRCC, recognised this issue and paid a visit to a centre for stitching and parlour in Rohini on September 25th, 2019 to educate young girls on the topic of menstruation and clarify their doubts regarding the same.
The volunteers broke the ice by interacting with the girls and getting to know their respective backgrounds. This was followed by a discussion on their existing knowledge of the topic. They were shown a video which made them understand the concept better, and their questions were actively answered. In the end, they were also taught self defence techniques and how to differentiate between good touch and bad touch.

To mark the occasion of the 50th NSS DAY on 25 September, a non-teaching staff event was organised by the volunteers in order to pay gratitude to them for their commendable work towards keeping the campus clean, green and ensuring the safety of the students.
Tongue twisters and dumb charades were played wherein the ones who were able to answer received goodies.
The event concluded by a musical program conducted by the volunteers.

Photography and Poster Making Competition:
The Competitions were held on 24th September in order to mark success for the 50th Anniversary of National Service Scheme in India.
The winners received the prizes later after declaring the results online.

A local solution to Global Warming by DR Rajendra Singh:
On 18th September, Dr. Rajendra Kumar, Waterman of India, gave a talk at SRCC about a variety of issues that plague our world today, among them being global warming and a growing water crisis. The causes of these, and their harmful effects on the environment, were successfully demonstrated using diagrams and statistics.
He also spoke about how his organisation ‘Tarun Bharat Sangh’ has changed the adversely affected areas in a lot of rural regions, and how their efforts have also had a positive effect on metropolitan cities as well.

The volunteers of Project Kali of National Service Scheme , SRCC recognised this issue of utter importance and visited Shadipur on 15 th September, 2019.
They broke the ice by interacting with children and played fun games. For better understanding of this sensitive issue, the children were shown videos which focused on keeping them safe and voicing their concerns. It was followed by personal interaction with the children which ensured to make them understand the difference between good touch and bad touch.
A recap session regarding few previous sessions was also conducted for the children.

Pride March:
Marking the one year anniversary of the historic judgement passed by the Supreme Court to decriminalize homosexuality, the Women Empowerment and Save Youth Wing of NSS,SRCC organised a pride march to show our support for the LGBTQIA+ community
Filled with enthusiastic chants and energetic shouts, the march is only a small symbol of our desire to fight for equality.

Blood Donation Camp:
The blood donation camp conducted by NSS, SRCC on 6th September was a massive success with more than 100 people successfully donating blood in a day's span. Many students, teachers and staff members of our college came forward unhesitatingly for this cause to help someone in need. The majority of the students were first time donors, which shows the spirit and enthusiasm they hold in respect to help someone in need, in whatever possible way.

Teachers'Day Celebration:
On the occasion of Teacher's Day, we at NSS SRCC organized a celebratory programme to honor the generous contribution of teachers to the society and to mankind. The Indian music society Aarohan and the Indian classical dance society Kalakshetra gave mesmerizing performaces to express their gratitude . The programme was also filled with fun games designed especially for our teachers!

Seminar on Donation of Blood Stem Cells:
NSS, SRCC in collaboration with Datri Foundation successfully conducted a Seminar on Donation of Blood Stem Cells on 27th August, 2019. It was followed by registration of donors on 27th and 28th August, 2019 where students turned up in heavy numbers and stood for this noble cause which can save someones life if found as a match.

Visit to an orphanage “Bacchon ka Ghar”:
The volunteers of Social Support Wing of National Service Scheme , SRCC visited an orphanage “Bacchon ka Ghar” on 25 August
The volunteers played with the children and made them feel special. The talent in the young children amazed the volunteers. From singing to dancing, these children are full of enthusiasm..

Cloth Donation Drive (in collaboration with Enactus KNC):
NSS SRCC, in collaboration with ENACTUS, Kamla Nehru College, conducted a clothes donation drive on 21st and 22nd August. An approximate of 30 denims and 300 other clothes were collected and will be donated to people in need.

Plantation Drive:
"Vrokshyo Rakshati Rakshitah"
Trees, give much more than they take.
We at NSS, SRCC with immense joy, conducted a plantation drive in NSS Lawns of our college on 9th August. In line with the concepts of giving more than taking, we, responsibly promised to our mother nature to make it a little better than it was a day ago.