events 2016-2017
NSS SRCC organised a Free Dental Check Up Camp for the staff and students for the college as well as outside stutudents on the 6th of February 2017.

No matter how easy and carefree the college life may seem, as undergraduates we have our own share of pressures and targets to deal with. No wonder this gives rise to great stress in the lives of students. Keeping this in mind NSS SRCC in association with Nurturing Dreams organised an interactive session on Stress Management.

NSS SRCC in association with the organization Saathi organised a session on "OUR CHOICES AND ANIMAL SUFFERINGS", keeping in mind the need to imbibe the importance of treating the animals with respect in order to reconstruct a positive society and healthy environment.

NSS SRCC conducted a session at
Imam-E-ASR Boys Hostel, Dwarka to introduce the sensitive topic of puberty to the boys aged between 11 to 16 years. We covered the changes experienced at puberty- physical, emotional and psychological and did our best to address several misconceptions. The teenagers were told how all those changes are a normal part of their growing process.

The youngsters today are facing a whole lot of issues related to vision and eyesight. Keeping this mind NSS SRCC collaborated with Sharp Sight Centre to organize an EYE CHECK UP CAMP. Many students turned up to get their eyes checked and were given proper advise regarding the prevention and treatment.

This event saw the confluence of NSS units of many colleges across Delhi and served as a platform for the NSS units to gather and showcase the work done by them, in their respective colleges, through time bound power point presentations.

In a bid to raise the level of cognizance about deaf culture amongst today's youth NSS SRCC conducted a workshop on Sign Language. The workshop was a small attempt towards bridging the gap between the hearing and the deaf community.

To raise the level of cognizance about menstrual hygiene amongst the girls living in and around slum areas a session was conducted in a teaching centre in Dilshad Garden. It was an interactive session to spread awareness about the process, apprise the girls of various hygiene measures and disposal, convey an idea of a balanced diet and to bust the various myths associated with menstruation.

Environment Wing of NSS SRCC came up with an awareness drive, where our volunteers interacted with the people to gauge their cognisance about vehicular pollution and apprise them of some practises they can undertake to alleviate the same. In the end the people signed a pledge promising to do their bit to protect the environment from any harm.

Around 150 donors registered for the Blood Donation Camp organised in the college on 11th of August 2016 making the first event of this academic session a success.

NSS SRCC volunteered to assist the college during the College Admissions in the month of June-July. Interacting with the nervous first years, guiding them throughout the admission process proved to be a great learning experience for all the volunteers. It also built a foundation to the camaraderie shared amongst the batchmates and seniors. Working with the college administration also instilled in us a sense of discipline and increased the feeling of belongingness towards our college.